Specialist medical visits, ear washing, audiometry, impedance analysis, and many other services.
Free obstetric consultation, specialist medical visits, vaginal irrigation, pap smears, swabs, and many other services.
Free echocolordoppler and electrocardiogram exams for spa treatment cycles, specialist medical visits, and many other services For more information, download the price list or call us at +39 0761/3501.
Specialist medical visits, dermatological peeling, hair examination, and many other services. For more information, download the price list or call us at +39 0761/3501.
Specialist medical visits, dermatological peeling, hair examination, and many other services.
Single apparatus ultrasound, breast and gynaecological ultrasound, abdominal ultrasound, and many other services. For more information, download the price list or call us at +39 0761/3501.